Package 'BalancedSampling'

Title: Balanced and Spatially Balanced Sampling
Description: Select balanced and spatially balanced probability samples in multi-dimensional spaces with any prescribed inclusion probabilities. It contains fast (C++ via Rcpp) implementations of the included sampling methods. The local pivotal method by Grafström, Lundström and Schelin (2012) <doi:10.1111/j.1541-0420.2011.01699.x> and spatially correlated Poisson sampling by Grafström (2012) <doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2011.07.003> are included. Also the cube method (for balanced sampling) and the local cube method (for doubly balanced sampling) are included, see Grafström and Tillé (2013) <doi:10.1002/env.2194>.
Authors: Anton Grafström [aut, cre] (ORCID: <>), Wilmer Prentius [aut] (ORCID: <>), Jonathan Lisic [ctb]
Maintainer: Anton Grafström <[email protected]>
License: AGPL-3
Version: 2.1.1
Built: 2025-02-13 04:57:36 UTC

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The Cube method


Selects balanced samples with prescribed inclusion probabilities from a finite population using the fast flight Cube Method.


cube(prob, x, eps = 1e-12)

cubestratified(prob, x, integerStrata, eps = 1e-12)



A vector of length N with inclusion probabilities.


An N by q matrix of balancing auxiliary variables.


A small value used to determine when an updated probability is close enough to 0.0 or 1.0.


An integer vector of length N with stratum numbers.


If prob sum to an integer n, and prob is included as the first balancing variable, a fixed sized sample (n) will be produced.

Stratified cube

For cubestratified, prob is automatically inserted as a balancing variable.

The stratified version uses the fast flight Cube method and pooling of landing phases.


A vector of selected indices in 1,2,...,N.


  • cubestratified():


Deville, J. C. and Tillé, Y. (2004). Efficient balanced sampling: the cube method. Biometrika, 91(4), 893-912.

Chauvet, G. and Tillé, Y. (2006). A fast algorithm for balanced sampling. Computational Statistics, 21(1), 53-62.

Chauvet, G. (2009). Stratified balanced sampling. Survey Methodology, 35, 115-119.

See Also

Other sampling: hlpm2(), lcube(), lpm(), scps()


## Not run: 
N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
s = cube(prob, x);
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2]);
points(x[s, 1], x[s, 2], pch = 19);

N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
strata = c(rep(1L, 100), rep(2L, 200), rep(3L, 300), rep(4L, 400));
s = cubestratified(prob, x, strata);
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2]);
points(x[s, 1], x[s, 2], pch = 19);

prob = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.55, 0.65, 0.7, 0.9);
N = length(prob);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
ep = rep(0L, N);
r = 10000L;
for (i in seq_len(r)) {
  s = cube(prob, cbind(prob, x));
  ep[s] = ep[s] + 1L;
print(ep / r);

## End(Not run)

Generate populations


Generate uniform and poisson cluster process populations

If from and to is used with genpopPoisson together with mirror, the population will be bounded within these values. For the genpopUniform, these numbers represent the minimum and maximum values of the uniform distribution.


genpopUniform(size, dims = 2L, from = 0, to = 1)

  dims = 2L,
  from = 0,
  to = 1,
  distribution = function(n) rnorm(n, 0, 0.02),
  mirror = TRUE



The size of the population


The number of auxiliary variables


A number or a vector of size dims with the minimum values


A number or a vector of size dims with the maximum values


The number of parent locations


A number or a vector of size parents with the mean number of children to be spawned.


A function taking a number as a variable, returning the offset from the parent location.


If TRUE, the population is mirrored to be inside from and to.


  • genpopPoisson(): Poisson cluster process


## Not run: 
x = genpopUniform(120, 2L);
N = nrow(x);
n = 60;
prob = rep(n / N, N);
s = lpm2(prob, x);
b = sb(prob, x, s);

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
x = genpopPoisson(70, 50, 2L);
N = nrow(x);
n = 60;
prob = rep(n / N, N);
s = lpm2(prob, x);
b = sb(prob, x, s);

## End(Not run)

Inclusion probabilities proportional-to-size


Computes the first-order inclusion probabilties from a vector of positive numbers, for a probabilitiy proportional-to-size design.


getPips(x, n)



A vector of positive numbers


The wanted sample size


A vector of inclusion probabilities proportional-to-size


## Not run: 
N = 1000;
n = 100;
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
prob = getPips(x[, 1], n);
s = lpm2(prob, x);
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2]);
points(x[s, 1], x[s, 2], pch = 19);

## End(Not run)

Hierarchical Local Pivotal Method 2


Selects an initial sample using the lpm2(), and then splits this sample into subsamples of given sizes using successive, hierarchical selection with the lpm2(). The method is used to select several subsamples, such that each subsample, and the combination (i.e. the union of all subsamples), is spatially balanced.


hlpm2(prob, x, sizes, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 50, eps = 1e-12)



A vector of length N with inclusion probabilities.


An N by p matrix of (standardized) auxiliary variables. Squared euclidean distance is used in the x space.


A vector of integers containing the sizes of the subsamples. sum(sizes) = sum(prob) must hold.


The method used in finding nearest neighbours. Must be one of "kdtree0", "kdtree1", "kdtree2", and "notree".


The maximum size of the terminal nodes in the k-d-trees.


A small value used to determine when an updated probability is close enough to 0.0 or 1.0.


The inclusion probabilities prob must sum to an integer n. The sizes of the subsamples sum(sizes) must sum to the same integer n.


A vector of selected indices in 1,2,...,N.

A matrix with the population indices of the combined sample in the first column, and the associated subsample in the second column.


The types "kdtree" creates k-d-trees with terminal node bucket sizes according to bucketSize.

  • "kdtree0" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on alternating variables.

  • "kdtree1" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on the largest range.

  • "kdtree2" creates a k-d-tree using a sliding-midpoint split.

  • "notree" does a naive search for the nearest neighbour.


Friedman, J. H., Bentley, J. L., & Finkel, R. A. (1977). An algorithm for finding best matches in logarithmic expected time. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 3(3), 209-226.

Maneewongvatana, S., & Mount, D. M. (1999, December). It’s okay to be skinny, if your friends are fat. In Center for geometric computing 4th annual workshop on computational geometry (Vol. 2, pp. 1-8).

Grafström, A., Lundström, N.L.P. & Schelin, L. (2012). Spatially balanced sampling through the Pivotal method. Biometrics 68(2), 514-520.

Lisic, J. J., & Cruze, N. B. (2016, June). Local pivotal methods for large surveys. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Establishment Surveys.

See Also

Other sampling: cube(), lcube(), lpm(), scps()


## Not run: 
N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
sizes = c(10, 20, 30, 40);
s = hlpm2(prob, x, sizes);
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2]);
points(x[s, 1], x[s, 2], pch = 19);

## End(Not run)

The Local Cube method


Selects doubly balanced samples with prescribed inclusion probabilities from a finite population using the Local Cube method.


lcube(prob, Xspread, Xbal, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 50, eps = 1e-12)

  type = "kdtree2",
  bucketSize = 50,
  eps = 1e-12



A vector of length N with inclusion probabilities.


An N by p matrix of (standardized) auxiliary variables. Squared euclidean distance is used in the Xspread space.


An N by q matrix of balancing auxiliary variables.


The method used in finding nearest neighbours. Must be one of "kdtree0", "kdtree1", "kdtree2", and "notree".


The maximum size of the terminal nodes in the k-d-trees.


A small value used to determine when an updated probability is close enough to 0.0 or 1.0.


An integer vector of length N with stratum numbers.


If prob sum to an integer n, and prob is included as the first balancing variable, a fixed sized sample (n) will be produced.

Stratified lcube

For lcubestratified, prob is automatically inserted as a balancing variable.

The stratified version uses the fast flight Cube method and pooling of landing phases.


A vector of selected indices in 1,2,...,N.


  • lcubestratified():


The types "kdtree" creates k-d-trees with terminal node bucket sizes according to bucketSize.

  • "kdtree0" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on alternating variables.

  • "kdtree1" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on the largest range.

  • "kdtree2" creates a k-d-tree using a sliding-midpoint split.

  • "notree" does a naive search for the nearest neighbour.


Deville, J. C. and Tillé, Y. (2004). Efficient balanced sampling: the cube method. Biometrika, 91(4), 893-912.

Chauvet, G. and Tillé, Y. (2006). A fast algorithm for balanced sampling. Computational Statistics, 21(1), 53-62.

Chauvet, G. (2009). Stratified balanced sampling. Survey Methodology, 35, 115-119.

Grafström, A. and Tillé, Y. (2013). Doubly balanced spatial sampling with spreading and restitution of auxiliary totals. Environmetrics, 24(2), 120-131

See Also

Other sampling: cube(), hlpm2(), lpm(), scps()


## Not run: 
N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
xspr = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
s = lcube(prob, xspr, cbind(prob, x));
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2]);
points(x[s, 1], x[s, 2], pch = 19);

N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
xspr = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
strata = c(rep(1L, 100), rep(2L, 200), rep(3L, 300), rep(4L, 400));
s = lcubestratified(prob, xspr, x, strata);
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2]);
points(x[s, 1], x[s, 2], pch = 19);

prob = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.55, 0.65, 0.7, 0.9);
N = length(prob);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
xspr = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
ep = rep(0L, N);
r = 10000L;
for (i in seq_len(r)) {
  s = lcube(prob, xspr, cbind(prob, x));
  ep[s] = ep[s] + 1L;
print(ep / r);

## End(Not run)

The (Local) Pivotal Methods


Selects spatially balanced samples with prescribed inclusion probabilities from a finite population using the Local Pivotal Method 1 (LPM1).


lpm(prob, x, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 50, eps = 1e-12)

lpm1(prob, x, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 50, eps = 1e-12)

lpm2(prob, x, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 50, eps = 1e-12)

lpm1s(prob, x, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 50, eps = 1e-12)

spm(prob, eps = 1e-12)

rpm(prob, eps = 1e-12)



A vector of length N with inclusion probabilities, or an integer > 1. If an integer n, then the sample will be drawn with equal probabilities n / N.


An N by p matrix of (standardized) auxiliary variables. Squared euclidean distance is used in the x space.


The method used in finding nearest neighbours. Must be one of "kdtree0", "kdtree1", "kdtree2", and "notree".


The maximum size of the terminal nodes in the k-d-trees.


A small value used to determine when an updated probability is close enough to 0.0 or 1.0.


If prob sum to an integer n, a fixed sized sample (n) will be produced. For spm and rpm, prob must be a vector of inclusion probabilities. If equal inclusion probabilities is wanted, this can be produced by rep(n / N, N).

The available pivotal methods are:

  • lpm1: The Local Pivotal Mehtod 1 (Grafström et al., 2012). Updates only units which are mutual nearest neighbours. Selects such a pair at random.

  • lpm2, lpm: The Local Pivotal Method 2 (Grafström et al., 2012). Selects a unit at random, which competes with this units nearest neighbour.

  • lpm1s: The Local Pivotal Method 1 search: (Prentius, 2023). Updates only units which are mutual nearest neighbours. Selects such a pair by branching the remaining units, giving higher probabilities to update a pair with a long branch. This changes the algorithm of lpm1, but makes it faster.

  • spm: The Sequential Pivotal Method. Selects the two units with smallest indices to compete against each other. If the list is ordered, the algorithm is similar to systematic sampling.

  • rpm: The Random Pivotal Method. Selects two units at random to compete against each other. Produces a design with high entropy.


A vector of selected indices in 1,2,...,N.


  • lpm1():

  • lpm2():

  • lpm1s():

  • spm():

  • rpm():


The types "kdtree" creates k-d-trees with terminal node bucket sizes according to bucketSize.

  • "kdtree0" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on alternating variables.

  • "kdtree1" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on the largest range.

  • "kdtree2" creates a k-d-tree using a sliding-midpoint split.

  • "notree" does a naive search for the nearest neighbour.


Friedman, J. H., Bentley, J. L., & Finkel, R. A. (1977). An algorithm for finding best matches in logarithmic expected time. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 3(3), 209-226.

Deville, J.-C., & Tillé, Y. (1998). Unequal probability sampling without replacement through a splitting method. Biometrika 85, 89-101.

Maneewongvatana, S., & Mount, D. M. (1999, December). It’s okay to be skinny, if your friends are fat. In Center for geometric computing 4th annual workshop on computational geometry (Vol. 2, pp. 1-8).

Chauvet, G. (2012). On a characterization of ordered pivotal sampling. Bernoulli, 18(4), 1320-1340.

Grafström, A., Lundström, N.L.P. & Schelin, L. (2012). Spatially balanced sampling through the Pivotal method. Biometrics 68(2), 514-520.

Lisic, J. J., & Cruze, N. B. (2016, June). Local pivotal methods for large surveys. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Establishment Surveys.

Prentius, W. (2023) Manuscript.

See Also

Other sampling: cube(), hlpm2(), lcube(), scps()


## Not run: 
N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
s = lpm2(prob, x);
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2]);
points(x[s, 1], x[s, 2], pch = 19);

prob = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.55, 0.65, 0.7, 0.9);
N = length(prob);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
ep = rep(0L, N);
r = 10000L;
for (i in seq_len(r)) {
  s = lpm2(prob, x);
  ep[s] = ep[s] + 1L;
print(ep / r);

N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
lpm1(prob, x);
lpm2(prob, x);
lpm1s(prob, x);

## End(Not run)

Spatial balance


Calculates the spatial balance of a sample.


sb(prob, x, sample, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 10)

sblb(prob, x, sample, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 10)



A vector of length N with inclusion probabilities, or an integer > 1. If an integer n, then the sample will be drawn with equal probabilities n / N.


An N by p matrix of (standardized) auxiliary variables. Squared euclidean distance is used in the x space.


A vector of sample indices.


The method used in finding nearest neighbours. Must be one of "kdtree0", "kdtree1", "kdtree2", and "notree".


The maximum size of the terminal nodes in the k-d-trees.


About voronoi and sumofsquares


The balance measure of the provided sample.


  • sblb(): Spatial balance using local balance


The types "kdtree" creates k-d-trees with terminal node bucket sizes according to bucketSize.

  • "kdtree0" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on alternating variables.

  • "kdtree1" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on the largest range.

  • "kdtree2" creates a k-d-tree using a sliding-midpoint split.

  • "notree" does a naive search for the nearest neighbour.


Friedman, J. H., Bentley, J. L., & Finkel, R. A. (1977). An algorithm for finding best matches in logarithmic expected time. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 3(3), 209-226.

Maneewongvatana, S., & Mount, D. M. (1999, December). It’s okay to be skinny, if your friends are fat. In Center for geometric computing 4th annual workshop on computational geometry (Vol. 2, pp. 1-8).

Stevens Jr, D. L., & Olsen, A. R. (2004). Spatially balanced sampling of natural resources. Journal of the American statistical Association, 99(465), 262-278.

Grafström, A., Lundström, N.L.P. & Schelin, L. (2012). Spatially balanced sampling through the Pivotal method. Biometrics 68(2), 514-520.

Prentius, W, & Grafström A. (2023). Manuscript.

See Also

Other measure: vsb()

Other measure: vsb()


## Not run: 
N = 500;
n = 70;
prob = rep(n / N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
s = lpm2(prob, x);
b = sb(prob, x, s);

## End(Not run)

Spatially Correlated Poisson Sampling


Selects spatially balanced samples with prescribed inclusion probabilities from a finite population using Spatially Correlated Poisson Sampling (SCPS).


scps(prob, x, rand = NULL, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 50, eps = 1e-12)

lcps(prob, x, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 50, eps = 1e-12)



A vector of length N with inclusion probabilities, or an integer > 1. If an integer n, then the sample will be drawn with equal probabilities n / N.


An N by p matrix of (standardized) auxiliary variables. Squared euclidean distance is used in the x space.


A vector of length N with random numbers. If this is supplied, the decision of each unit is taken with the corresponding random number. This makes it possible to coordinate the samples.


The method used in finding nearest neighbours. Must be one of "kdtree0", "kdtree1", "kdtree2", and "notree".


The maximum size of the terminal nodes in the k-d-trees.


A small value used to determine when an updated probability is close enough to 0.0 or 1.0.


If prob sum to an integer n, a fixed sized sample (n) will be produced. The implementation uses the maximal weight strategy, as specified in Grafström (2012).

Coordinated SCPS

If rand is supplied, coordinated SCPS will be performed. The algorithm for coordinated SCPS differs from the SCPS algorithm, as uncoordinated SCPS chooses a unit to update randomly, whereas coordinated SCPS traverses the units in the supplied order. This has a small impact on the efficiency of the algorithm for coordinated SCPS.

Locally Correlated Poisson Sampling (LCPS)

The method differs from SCPS as LPM1 differs from LPM2. In each step of the algorithm, the unit with the smallest updating distance is chosen as the deciding unit.


A vector of selected indices in 1,2,...,N.


  • lcps():


The types "kdtree" creates k-d-trees with terminal node bucket sizes according to bucketSize.

  • "kdtree0" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on alternating variables.

  • "kdtree1" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on the largest range.

  • "kdtree2" creates a k-d-tree using a sliding-midpoint split.

  • "notree" does a naive search for the nearest neighbour.


Friedman, J. H., Bentley, J. L., & Finkel, R. A. (1977). An algorithm for finding best matches in logarithmic expected time. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS), 3(3), 209-226.

Maneewongvatana, S., & Mount, D. M. (1999, December). It’s okay to be skinny, if your friends are fat. In Center for geometric computing 4th annual workshop on computational geometry (Vol. 2, pp. 1-8).

Grafström, A. (2012). Spatially correlated Poisson sampling. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(1), 139-147.

Prentius, W. (2023). Locally correlated Poisson sampling. Environmetrics, e2832.

See Also

Other sampling: cube(), hlpm2(), lcube(), lpm()


## Not run: 
N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
s = scps(prob, x);
plot(x[, 1], x[, 2]);
points(x[s, 1], x[s, 2], pch = 19);

prob = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.35, 0.4, 0.5, 0.5, 0.55, 0.65, 0.7, 0.9);
N = length(prob);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
ep = rep(0L, N);
r = 10000L;
for (i in seq_len(r)) {
  s = scps(prob, x);
  ep[s] = ep[s] + 1L;
print(ep / r);

N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
scps(prob, x);
lcps(prob, x);

## End(Not run)

Variance estimator for spatially balanced samples


Variance estimator of HT estimator of population total.


vsb(probs, ys, xs, k = 3L, type = "kdtree2", bucketSize = 40)



A vector of length n with inclusion probabilities.


A vector of length n containing the target variable.


An n by p matrix of (standardized) auxiliary variables.


The number of neighbours to construct the means around.


The method used in finding nearest neighbours. Must be one of "kdtree0", "kdtree1", "kdtree2", and "notree".


The maximum size of the terminal nodes in the k-d-trees.


If k = 0L, the variance estimate is constructed by using all units that have the minimum distance.

If k > 0L, the variance estimate is constructed by using the k closest units. If multiple units are located on the border, all are used.


The variance estimate.


The types "kdtree" creates k-d-trees with terminal node bucket sizes according to bucketSize.

  • "kdtree0" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on alternating variables.

  • "kdtree1" creates a k-d-tree using a median split on the largest range.

  • "kdtree2" creates a k-d-tree using a sliding-midpoint split.

  • "notree" does a naive search for the nearest neighbour.


Grafström, A., & Schelin, L. (2014). How to select representative samples. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 41(2), 277-290.

See Also

Other measure: sb()


## Not run: 
N = 1000;
n = 100;
prob = rep(n/N, N);
x = matrix(runif(N * 2), ncol = 2);
y = runif(N);
s = lpm2(prob, x);
vsb(prob[s], y[s], x[s, ]);
vsb(prob[s], y[s], x[s, ], 0L);

## End(Not run)